This is the 3rd set of missions for Red Baron. The new mission builder released by Dynamix has made creating more interesting missions with greater flexibility possible. There are two sets of files. One set has a .CUS extension and the other set has a .TAP extension. To fly the missions with the .CUS extension you MUST have the new mission builder, since these can only be loaded into the game by selecting a new menu option that the installation places in Red Baron. To fly the missions with the .TAP extension you may be able to load these directly into the mission recorder \TAPES subdirectory and select them from the list just like the old format .VCR files. If they do not appear you may try renaming them so they have the .VCR extension instead of the .TAP extension. I haven't tried this and it may not work, but on the chance it will I have included each mission as a .TAP file that you load into the mission recorder and then ENTER SIMULATION from there. Each tape is just a second or two long which is enough to record all the vital information into the computer's memory. Some of these missions have new planes in them. These new planes come with the new mission builder and as such they probably won't work on a copy of Red Baron that has not been upgraded with the new mission builder. I will mark all such missions with an asterisk `*' to denote that it has one of the new planes in it. AREAPTRL * - Area Patrol -------- You and your three wingmen are to patrol the aread between F6 and the eastern boarder of F4 in the verdun sector. You are to make at least six passes over this area before returning to the Toul aerodrome. CITYLITE * - Combat over the "City of Light" -------- You releader of a flight of three Halberstadt D.IIs on their way to destroy the balloons near the railway staton in Paris. You and your wingmen have incendiary ammunition to carry out the actual attack. You are to protet these men from any nearby French patrols. This is your chance to show those "Frenchies" what an aviator for the Kaiser can do and put the fear of God into the French populace of Paris. Land at St. Quentin. DAWNPATRL * - Dawn Patrol --------- As top pilot of your escadrille you engage in your usual custom of patrolling behnd German lines at dawn in hopes of catching some unwary pilots by surprise. The course you have plotted is NE to Vousiers, SE to Sivry, NE to Tellancourt, and SE to St. Mihiel. Not knowing what you will run into, you must practice painful conservation of ammunition and accurate aim. Land at Bar-le-Duc. Drachen * - Drachen (Dragons) at Douai ------- Two groups of Nieuport 11s have been assigned to attack a heavy concentration of balloons near Douai in the Somme sector. These ballons will be protected by the usual flak and enemy air patrols. You are to lead your group to attack the balloons located towards the southern concentration and the second group from Vert Gallant will attack the northern cluster of balloons. Return to Bertincourt when you have dealt with the enemy targets. ESCRTDTY - Bomber Escort Duty -------- You and Werner Voss plus two veteran pilots have been selected to escort two Gotha bombers to the railroad staton just north of the city of Estrees St. Denis in the Paris sector. Return to your aerodrome at St. Quentin after escorting the bombers back into friendly territory. LONGPTRL * - The Long Patrol -------- You are to fly a patrol with Manfred v. Richthofen as his wingman in the Paris sector. Your squadron of 4 new Fokker D.VIIs will fly a rectangular patrol pattern in the area of Estrees St. Denis, Crepy, Villers-Cotterets, Aisne, Estrees St. Denis, and Le Plessis Belleville. You are to engage any enemy aircraft in the area and return to your aerodrome at Laon after completing your entire patrol pattern. Be sure to check the Allied aerodromes near your flight path. NITERAID - Zeppelin Night Raid On London -------- Despite the relatively light damage caused by bombs dropped by the German Zeppelins, the sight of these huge dark airships floating over the city struck many Londoners with sheer terror. You and your wingman are to take your Sopwith Camels armed with incendiary ammunition up over the south of London and destroy the Zeppelin seen heading that way. RAZOR * - The Razor's Edge ----- The Fokker D.VIII "Raisermesser" (Razor), so called by the German crews because of its thin overhead monoplane wing, entered service very late in the war. Only a few saw actual operational service and even fewer saw combat. Lead your squadron of Razors on a penetration patrol deep into Allied territory in the Paris sector late in the war. Watch out for large Allied patrols. Land at Laon. SURPRISE - Surprise Attack on St. Marie Cappel -------- Your rear echelons have been harrassed by British bombing attacks in the last weeks. Previous attempts to stop them have failed. You have been selected to lead a surprise attack on their home aerodrome. Your flight has used the overcast at 10,000 feet to cross the lines and approach the enemy airfield. Your mission starts with you right over the enemy position. Destroy the bombers. Land at St. Marguerite. ZEPINTRC * - Zeppelin Intercept -------- Intelligence reports that a German Zeppelin will be patrolling the front lines over Dunkirk sector this morning. You and 3 veteran pilots will take off in Nieuport 28s at St. Marie Cappel. Fly to the Allied gun position at grid F5 and head north towards grid position E5 at an altitude of 10,000 feet. If you fail to make contact with the enemy Zeppelin return to the Allied gun position at F5 before returning to St. Marie Cappel for landing. Send your comments to: Keith Heitmann, Prodigy GVXV90A